Here is the latest priesthood vocation video from my archdiocese. As consecrated virgins are called to serve and pray for the needs of their local Church, encouraging vocations—and spiritually supporting those who are called—is a cause very near to my heart.
Advertising is all fine - when it's service to God we're advertising!
Definitely! :)
But actually, the “” campaign isn’t totally about advertising, or “recruiting” more vocations. It’s also an attempt to change the way our contemporary culture thinks about priesthood. (We once even had a trailer run in a secular movie theater!)
We want the average man or woman on the street to see how awesome it is to give your life over to God!
Thanks so much for posting this video - It's very good! I will spread it around....
The vocations are there - we need more of God's instruments like YOU to help others discern the call.
God bless you for all your good work!
What a great video! Thank you for sharing this!
You are an inspiration!:)
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