

About this blog:

My intention in writing “Sponsa Christi” is to provide an unofficial resource for anyone interested in learning more about the vocation of consecrated virginity in the Catholic Church (as described in canon 604 in the 1983 Code of Canon Law). In this blog, I describe some of my research, reflect on my personal experience, and share my thoughts on the theological and canonical identity of the Ordo virginum.

A secondary purpose of this blog is to foster mutual sisterly support among consecrated virgins, as well as to encourage more in-depth study and scholarship on this vocation.

Because this blog is a modest, personal endeavor, it should not be considered exhaustive or authoritative. With the exception of direct quotations, all ideas expressed here are my own and are not necessarily reflective of the Archdiocese of New York, the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, the universities I have attended, the United States Association of Consecrated Virgins, or any other third party.

Since I have been writing this blog for over ten years now, most of my earlier posts were written before the Instruction Ecclesiae Sponsae Imago (ESI) was published on July 4, 2018. Many of my earlier posts address issues which were open questions prior to ESI, but that are now more or less resolved. So in reading this blog, keep in mind that the date of a post may be an important part of the overall context! my office in the tribunal 

About me:

My name is Jenna Marie Cooper, and I am a consecrated virgin of the Archdiocese of New York. I was solemnly consecrated to a life of virginity on January 3, 2009 at the age of twenty-three.

I graduated with a bachelors’ degree in Philosophy from Seton Hall University in New Jersey in 2008, and from Ave Maria University in Florida with a Master of Arts in Theology in 2010. After three years of living and studying in Rome, I completed a licentiate degree in Canon Law (J.C.L.) at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross.

In my professional life, I currently serve as staff canonist, Judge and Coordinator of the Tribunal for the Diocese of Winona-Rochester in Minnesota. In the past, I have worked as Director of Religious Education in parishes in New York State.

I discuss my personal spiritual journey a little bit more in my tenth anniversary reflection.

My comment policy:

Respectful questions or comments are most welcome! Lively dialogue is encouraged, but rude, uncivil, off-topic, or otherwise inappropriate comments will be deleted. 

Please be aware that this blog is a public form of communication. By posting a comment here, you are giving me permission to reprint or discuss your comment in future posts. If you are uncomfortable with this, please refrain from commenting.

If you have comments or questions which you would like to discuss in a non-public forum, you can write to me at: (at) gmail (dot) com. I never quote or reprint emails without the sender’s express permission. 

However, do know that right now my “real life” is very full and I have a number of obligations and demands on my time and attention. So please be patient with me if I can’t respond to a comment or email right away!

This blog also has a facebook page which is updated more regularly:

If you would like to quote me:

Generally, I have no problem with other people briefly quoting me as a source in a broader discussion, as long as my words are credited to me as the author. If you are quoting anything from “Sponsa Christi” on your own blog or website, please be sure to give me credit and a link

If you would like to quote me in some form of print media, or if you would like to republish any of my posts in full, please contact me at the above email address for permission.