Unfortunately, I’ve been letting the blog slide a quite bit
lately (though I do hope to have some new posts up soon.) Part of the reason for the lack
of posts here is that I’ve been busy with other writing projects. Here are some
articles of mine, which I think will be of special interest to “Sponsa Christi”
readers, that have recently been published in other places:
The Oldest Form of Consecrated Life Is Also the Newest,and It’s Growing! (February 11, 2016, on Aleteia.org) – Some of my reflections
on the recent international symposium for the Ordo Virginum held in Rome to celebrate of
the closing of the Year of Consecrated Life.
In Lieu of Female Deacons, a Proposal (November 11, 2015
in Crisis Magazine) – Wherein I opine that, rather than spending time and
resources discussing the possibility of instituting some sort of female diaconate, it might
be more fruitful if the Church focused instead on promoting and supporting the
Ordo Virginum, as consecrated virgins could easily fulfill many of the perceived
pastoral needs which tend to prompt discussion of women deacons.
The Vocation of Consecrated Virginity (February 18, 2015
for Leonie’s Longing) – Some information and advice for former religious Sisters
who may be considering becoming consecrated virgins.